We are a Nation. Virtual.

Take your business or service from 0 to 1 with our network of ready-to-serve, happy to remain anonymous, virtual workers.

Our Services Include:

What Do You Get From Us?

Frequently Asked Questions

No. We will implement pay terms, career progression and all other modalities we have already pre-negotiated  on your behalf with the staff assigned to you. All payments are handled through third parties.. 

We have access to over 800 ready to work talents who will simply be offered contracts once you vet and approve their employment. Talents can be onboarded within 24 hours.

Absolutely! We will do our part to keep any information regarding the identity of our client out of reach. In the same vein, we will also guard the identities of our employees. Kindly note that you also have the responsibility not to put the employee in a position to discover the identity of your company.

Thanks to our network of law firms worldwide, we will ensure that it is completely safe and legal. 

Get rid of the burden of talent shortage and hire on demand.